Question 10. Should it be installed in a single year?
Diversify the basket. Even if you are playing alone, make sure you have Buy from different Stocks. At home with your wife or If you are playing with your son, let them and let them…
Question 9. Do you need big money?
Start with a small amount of money and a few people. It is not necessarily necessary to start with big money or with all the money you have. Let’s say you want to enter the…
Question 8. How do you start from the edge?
Come on in. It is best to start this business from the corner of your mind. Because nowadays it is inevitable to own stocks… Who would have thought in the past that every family would…
QUESTION 7. Is your heart healthy?
It takes “a lot of heart” to invest in stocks, especially for small savers to tie three or five organizations that are very important to them to the stock market. If you have an anxious…
QUESTION 6. Does the stock market sink you?
We said that losses in the stock market are the twin brother of profits. It is as natural to make a loss as it is to make a profit. How to make a loss in…
QUESTION 5. Is the Stock Market the Only Way?
The stock market is just one of the alternative ways of investing savings. To invest one’s entire savings in the stock market to take off, to tie it to stocks would be wrong. Savers should…
QUESTION 4. What is a portfolio?
Stockbrokers use the word “Portfolio” to mean to refer to the different stocks in which you hold a portfolio. In simple terms, a portfolio is a basket of your eggs (stocks). If you only own…
QUESTION 3. How much power do you have?
In Anatolia, there is a folk saying “How much meatballs, so much bread…”. The more money you have, the more you should be interested in the stock market and stocks. The stock market is “a…
QUESTION 2. Is It Possible to Win When Everyone Is Winning?
“Some people say, “Everyone is winning in the stock market. I should put all my money in the stock market and I will win too.” This is very wrong. It is very easy to lose…
QUESTION 1. Why the stock market? Why stocks?
In crude terms, the “stock market” is the “market” for stocks. The stock market is a market with its own rules and regulations. Stocks are not only traded on the stock exchange. For this reason,…