Stockbrokers use the word “Portfolio” to mean to refer to the different stocks in which you hold a portfolio.
In simple terms, a portfolio is a basket of your eggs (stocks). If you only own the stocks of one organization, you cannot talk about a portfolio.
For example, you have developed the business. You bought the stocks of three different joint stock companies. Now you have a “portfolio” association.
When they ask you how many stocks you have in your portfolio, you will say you have 3 stocks (you mean 3 different companies).
How much is your portfolio? When they ask, “What is the size of your portfolio?” you will talk about the total daily stock market value of the total securities in the portfolio.
When they ask, “How does your portfolio compare?” you will compare the price change of the total stocks in the portfolio with the Stock Exchange Index.
If the total price of your shares is If it improves better than the index, Your portfolio is profitable. In plain English, stocks you have chosen well and filled your basket well means.